Exact Audio Copy For Mac

ISO (aka DSD ISO, SACD ISO) to FLAC conversion is intended to adapt of playback format, sample rate, channel number of music files for audiophile equipment, portable players or mobile phones. Read step-by-step extraction guide and about sound quality comparison.

Exact Audio Copy is a new audio grabber for CD-ROM drives with numerous features. Step 1: After you've inserted an audio CD into your optical drive, look up your CD in the freedb database so you don't have to enter the album and track details manually. Go to Database Get CD.

ISO audio file to FLAC extracting

To convert ISO (aka SACD ISO) to FLAC:

  1. Start conversion software ♫ AuI ConverteR 48x44.
  2. Open SACD .iso file. *
  3. Select target FLAC format at the main window Format panel.
  4. Select sample rate.
  5. Select bit depth.
  6. When target bit depth is 16 bit, dithering ON is recommended.
    (for higher resolutions Dither button will ignored)
  7. Select target directory. (watch video, read manual)
  8. At the main window > Album art tab assign album artwork file. **
  9. Push Start button.
  10. Wait until end of conversion.
    (Converted stuff is placed in the target directory)
  11. If you got audible artefacts and distortions, it is rather overload issues.
    In Settings > General > 'Output attenuator' field set '-3 dB' or '-6 dB' or use peak level normalization** to achieve maximal loudness. Read more about troubleshooting...

WARNING: AuI ConverteR 48x44 doesn't support DVD-audio and DVD-video.
AuI ConverteR process too long file names and paths, non-Latin and forbidden characters (created from metadata) for successful output file writing

Watch and share: How to Convert ISO (aka SACD ISO) to FLAC files

* (at first time conversion or after codec reset, auto downloading of the codec will requested). View details about first-time conversion below.

** if available in purchased software configuration (check the extractor software configurations)

*** All prices at this page in the U.S. dollars without V.A.T. and other applicable taxes. The prices are recommended. Information at this page is not a public offer.

WARNING: ISO (1-bit audio, aka SACD ISO only) to FLAC is supported in price configurable Modula-R and all-included PROduce-RD
For ISO tracks, DSF, DFF with length more 3 minutes FREE demo version mute 2-second silence in the output middle

Sound quality issues

Converting of ISO files to FLAC is sigma-delta (aka DSD) demodulation. DSD demodulator is a low-frequency filter.

There is no strong standard of the filter to achieve the proper result. Practically we can vary filtering band to achieve the best result at our equipment.

AuI ConverteR provides 3 filter band optionally from 20 kHz to 100 kHz. Bandwidth may be limited depending on input or output sample rates. Output sample rate limit target signal band.

AuI ConverteR vs a converter software: DSD64 to PCM 44.1 kHz aliases

In the ideal case, should not be repeatable lines with lower brightness. These lines show audible distortions, that correlate with the original signal.

Bit depth and sample rate of converted files may give different playback quality at your system. It is bound with different playback modes for combinations 'bit depth + sample rate'.

In general, you can convert to file in the maximal sample rate and bit depth of your DAC. But it doesn't guarantee, that you get the best result. Read details about music conversion and sound quality issues.

Extraction into PCM format applies the downsampling. Downsampling processing based on filtering with varying settings.

At Settings > General tab > set Filter mode:

  • - 'Optimized resampling filter' removes frequency range upper 20 kHz (ultrasound eliminating so that remove intermodulation distortions);
  • - 'Non-Optimized resampling filter' suppress signal upper 20...24 kHz (defined by input/output sample rates) - ultrasound eliminating so that remove intermodulation distortions, wider signal band;
  • - 'Non-Optimized wide resampling filter' suppress signal upper 20...100 kHz (defined by input/output sample rates) so that provide a wider band of a musical signal.

At some equipment software 'Non-Optimized...' modes can cause audible noise, like in this video.

Watch and share: Removing noise from high-resolution file

Therefore 'Optimized...' mode is recommended as the first choice. However, you can prefer other settings.

Use minimum phase filter switch checked/unchecked minimum/linear phase filtering in 'Optimized...' mode. Other modes implemented as linear only.

Dithering is applied to extracting to 16-bit output resolution only. If target resolution is 24 bit and more (including float point), Dither button is ignored.

Tips and tricks

In the Settings > General tab:

  • FLAC compressing slider: set several compression levels. As rule, slider position altering gives minimal effect. The central slider position is recommended. The level doesn't impact sound quality.
  • Filter mode list: 'Optimized resampling filter' is recommended. 'Non-optimized ...' and 'Non-optimized wide...' may cause noise and distortions.
  • Use minimum phase filter... switch unchecking is recommended.
  • Dithering mask depth... slider recommended set to the most left position.

However, your individual choices may be other, then recommended here.

Check more about sound quality issues >

Prepare to conversion

Check AuI ConverteR 48x44 configurations, that ISOs to FLACs capable >

To check sound quality download FREE demo version.

Read below about conversion sound quality issues.

  1. Launch the converting tool
  2. Open Settings > CD ripper/ISO tab (see below)
  3. Select stereo/multichannel target stuff - check/uncheck Force read stereo track switch, respectively
    (read details in Sound quality issues part of this article)
  4. Skip pause before first track: check Skip pause for first ISO track switch
  5. Skip pause between tracks: check Skip pause for all tracks switch
    Between tracks, pauses may contain. Sometimes clicks contain into the pauses.
  6. Click OK button
  7. To convert live concert, opera and same albums: at the software's main window > Parameters tab > check True gapless mode switch*
Assign artwork in target files: Album artwork panel

Read educational articles about SACD ISO and FLAC musical files:

Conversion software: ISOs to FLACs configurations

AuI ConverteR has several price/functionality options, that allow to save your budget for the required functionality.

* All prices at this page in the U.S. dollars without V.A.T. and other applicable taxes. The prices are recommended. Information at this page is not a public offer.

[MINIMAL PRICE] configuration (from $77.7*) to convert
ISO (aka SACD ISO), DSF/DFF(up to DSD128) to FLAC, WAV and other PCM (up to 192 kHz, 24 bit, 32 bit float)

[Recommended] configuration (from $161.1*) to convert
ISO (aka SACD ISO), DSF / DFF (up to DSD512) to FLAC, WAV and other PCM (up to 192 kHz, 24 bit, 32 bit float)

with parallel processing, true gapless mode, level normalization, artwork assigning.

[Recommended] All-included configuration (from $249.8*) PROduce-RD

SACD to ISO ripping software and its manual described here

SACD ripper on PS3 console described here

Free Lossless Audio Codec site here

Exact Audio Copy Setup Guide

Frequently asked questions

Can I rip SACD to FLAC?

SACD ripping is applied on special hardware tools to SACD ISO or DSF files. You can convert:

  • SACD ISO to FLAC; or
  • DSF to FLAC.

When you rip SACD optical disk to audio files (.dsf, .dff), long path/name of extracted file, non-Latin symbols (in metadata) may cause a error of the file creation.

What is SACD ISO?

SACD ISO is file, that contains DSD (Direct Stream Digital) audio and metadata from SACD optical disk.

Read about DSD files...

How do I extract audio from an ISO file?

You can extract:

  • SACD ISO to FLAC; or
  • SACD ISO to DSF.

Can I rip SACD audio? Can an audio converter rip SACD?

SACD ripping may be possible via some hardware. Read information about SACD ripping...

Can I convert SACD to FLAC?

Optical SACD disk may be ripped to SACD ISO file. The file may be converted to FLAC.

Can I play SACD on my computer?

In general, no. However, some SONY VAIO computers have SACD abilities.

How do I convert DSF to FLAC?

You can use audio conversion software to convert DSF to FLAC...

What is DSF format?

Exact Audio Copy Review

DSF format is a kind of audiophile music files, that contains DSD audio data and information about a song, including artworks.

Is DSD better than FLAC? Is DSD better than PCM?

Both formats can bring the same sound advantages. Actually, played recording and audio equipment makes result.

Can VLC play DSF?

Still no information, that author knows, about the implementation of DSF file playback on VLC.

Is WAV or FLAC better?

Commonly, FLAC is more recommended because no sound quality difference, but the lesser size and wider device compatibility (by metadata) of FLAC is there.

However, if you want to use high resolutions above 352/384 kHz, WAV allows to do it.

How do I play DSF files on Foobar?

Exact Audio Copy Flac

How to play DSF and SACD ISO on foobar2000 read DSD guide...

How do I open a SACD ISO file?

Exact Audio Copy Eac

  1. Read SACD ISO playback [foobar2000] guide...
  2. Look at DSD audio player list...
  3. Look at audio converter list...
  4. How to convert ISO to FLAC...
  5. How to convert ISO to DSF...

Read more SACD extracting F.A.Q. >

Read more about ISO converters

Watch and share: Tutorial video: Target Directory Management

Exact Audio Copy Download For Mac

July 07, 2020 updated | since May 01, 2017

Exact Audio Copy Alternative For Mac

Read other articles about audio issues